Love, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization headquartered in Burlington, Wisconsin, with programs and services dedicated to serving disadvantaged families and individuals in Western Racine County. At the heart of our work is providing our neighbors in need with access to services and resources to help them build their strengths and develop self-sufficiency. Their success is our success.
Don’t forget to purchase your tickets for our 40th Anniversary Celebration! It’s going to be a great night to look back on all we’ve accomplished together and to celebrate the incredible support we’ve received.
Food Pantry
– Western Racine County Resident
– Photo ID
-Proof Of residency
-Proof of Income
-Identification for everyone in the household (health insurance card, social security card, or birth certificate.)
Tuesday & Thursday
Community Table
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
8:30am – 4:30pm
Tuesday and Thursday
4pm – 4:30pm
(unless you are using food pantry)
The greatest purpose of Love, Inc. is to channel the goodwill and strength of our community into making a positive difference. Our mission is to be a community network that helps our neighbors in need. Our vision is to have a community where every individual has reached their full potential by developing their strengths and increasing their self-sufficiency.