The Mission of Southern Lakes Area, Love, Inc. is demonstrated by our devoted staff, volunteers and donors. Statistics merely reflect numbers but do not show the true way in which lives are touched individually and in community wide emergencies. During the floods of 2017, Love, Inc. provided for the basic and ongoing needs of our neighbors in Western Racine County. Long after the initial influx of aide, Love, Inc. remained to assist those most affected by this devastating event. Love, Inc. also experienced flood damage and it caused us to assess our facilities and take action. The new Love, Inc. Home Store and Donation Center opened in January 2018. These facilities will help us to move forward into the future. As it was with its inception in 1984, Love, Inc. is supported solely by the community and all resources go back to serving the community. With ongoing community support, Love, Inc. will continue to go forth to provide assistance for those facing daily life challenges.
Thank you for your support of our Mission.
Diane Huck, President